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1.      Cheipesh T.A., Zagorulko E.S., Mchedlov-Petrossyan N.O., Rodik R.V., Kalchenko V.I.

The Difference between the Aggregates of a Short-Tailed and a Long-Tailed Cationic Calix[4]arene in Water as Detected Using Fluorescein Dyes

J. Mol. Liquids.- 2014.- V. 193.- P.232-238


2.      Лебедь А. В., Бирюков А. В., Мчедлов-Петросян Н. О.

Квантово-химическое исследование таутомерных равновесий флуоресцеиновых красителей в ДМСО

Химия гетероцикл. соед.- 2014.- № 3.- С.367-380.


3.      Решетняк Е. А., Чернышёва О.С., Никитина Н.А., Логинова Л.П., Мчедлов-Петросян Н.О.

Коэффициенты активности алкилсульфатных и алкилсульфонатных ионов в водных и водно-солевых домицеллярных растворах

Коллоидный журн.- 2014.- Т. 76. № 3.- С.389-396.


4.      Софронов Д.С., Камнева Н.Н., Катрунов К.А., Булгакова А.В., Баумер В.Н., Вовк О.М.

Влияние условий осаждения на размер частиц ZnS и их оптические свойства

Неорганические материалы.- 2014.- №7.- С.703-707


5.      Mchedlov-Petrossyan N.O.

Adsorption of ionic surfactants on the water/air interface: One more transformation of the Gibbs equation

Электронная обработка материалов.- 2014.- Т. 50. № 2.- С. 71-80.


6.      Kamneva N.N., Kharchenko A.Yu., Bykova O.S., Sundenko A.V., Mchedlov-Petrossyan N.O.

The influence of 1-butanol and electrolytic background on the properties of CTAB micelles as examined using a set of indicator dyes

J. Mol. Liquids.- 2014.- Vol. 199.- P. 376-384


7.      Agieienko V.N., Kolesnik Y.V., Kalugin O.N.

Structure, solvation, and dynamics of Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+ complexes with 3-hydroxyflavone and perchlorate anion in acetonitrile medium: A molecular dynamics simulation study

The Journal of Chemical Physics.- 2014.- Vol. 140, 194501, P. 1-14


8.      Marekha B.A., Kalugin O.N., Bria M., Buchner R. et al.

Translational Diffusion in Mixtures of Imidazolium ILs with Polar Aprotic Molecular Solvents

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.- 2014.- Vol. 118.- P. 5509-5517


9.         Drozd A. V., Leonova N.A.

The determination of concentrations of Ni2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Cu2+ with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol in aqueous-micellar medium on two-intensive parameters
Chemistry and Chemical Technology.- 2014.- Vol. 8, Issue 2.- Р. 129-134.


10.  Чепелева Л.В., Рошаль А.Д., Лукьянов Б.С. et al.

Фото- и термо­хромные спираны 41. Квантовохимическое исследование геометрии и электронного строения 1,3,3-триметил-1',2'-дифенилспиро[фуро [3,2-f]хромен-7',2-индолина] в основном и возбужденном состояниях

Химия гетероцикл. соед.- 2014.- № 3.- С. 397-403


11.  Бородин О.О., Ильяшенко Р.Ю., Дорошенко А.О.

5-[4-(N,N-диметиламино)фенил]-2-(4-пиридил)-1,3-оксазол как флуоресцентный зонд для мониторинга микрогетерогенных сред

Химия гетероцикл. соед.- 2014.- № 3.- С. 413-423


12.  Kyrychenko, A., Ladokhin, A.S.

Refining membrane penetration by a combination of steady-state and time-resolved depth-dependent fluorescence quenching

Analytical Biochemistry.- 2014.- V. 446.- P. 19-21


13.  Kyrychenko A., Freites J.A., He J. et al.

Structural plasticity in the topology of the membrane-interacting domain of HIV-1 gp41

Biophysical Journal.- 2014.- V. 106.- P. 610-20


14.  Gella I. M., Drushlyak T. G., Babak N. L. et al.

Structural Analysis of Chiral Dopants in Nematic Systems by Example of Ether-Ester-Substituted 1,4:3,6-Dianhydrohexitols

Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.- 2014.- Vol. 591.- P. 34-44.


15.  Pushkarova Y., Kholin Y.

A procedure for meaningful unsupervised clustering and its application for solvent classification

Cent. Eur. J. Chem.- 2014.- V.12.- P. 594-603


16.  Korobov. A.

Scaling properties of planar discrete Poisson-Voronoi tessellations with von Neumann neighborhoods constructed according to the nucleation and growth mechanism

Phys. Rev. Е.- 2014.- V. 89.- P. 032405


17.  Zakharov A.B., Ivanov V.V., Adamowicz L.

Molecular nonlinear optical parameters of p-conjugated non-alternating hydrocarbons obtained in semiempirical local coupled-cluster theory

Journal of Physical Chemistry С.- 2014.- V. 118.- P. 8111-8121.


18.  Serdiuk I.E., Varenikov A.S., Roshal A.D.

7-Hydroxyflavone revisited: spectral, acid-base properties and interplay of the protolytic forms in the ground and excited state

Journal of Physical Chemistry A.- 2014.- V. 118.- P. 3068-3080


19.  Wera M., Chalyi A.G., Roshal A.D. et al.

 Structure, tautomerism and features of 1-(5-acetyl-2,4-di­hydroxyphenyl)-3-(furan-2-yl)prop-2-en-1-one and 1,1'-(4,6-dihydroxybenzene-1,3-diyl)bis[3-furan-2-yl)prop-2-en-1-one)

Structural Chemistry.- 2014.- V.25, N.3.- P.969-977


20.  Санин Э. В., Новиков А. И., Рошаль А.Д.

Квантово-химическое исследование структуры и спектральных свойств солей 2-(3-кумароил)-бензопирилиевых солей

Химия гетероцикл. соед.- 2014.- №3.- С.404-412


21.  Vasylets G., Starodub V.A., Potočňák I. et al.

Influence of metal ions on the structure and spectral properties of TCNQ salts with tris(phenanthroline) cations

Synthetic Metals.- 2014.- V. 189.- P.86-93


22.  Vasylets G.Y., Starodub V.A., Barszcz, B. et al.

Structure and spectral properties of TCNQ salts with Zn(II) and Ni(II) 2,2′-bipyridine complexes

Synthetic Metals.- 2014.- V. 191.- P.89-98


23.  Korsun O.M., Kalugin O.M., Prezhdo O.V. 

Control of carbon nanotube electronic properties by lithium cation intercalation

J. Phys. Chem. Lett.- 2014.- V. 4.- P.4129-4133


24.  Golenya I.A., Gumienna-Kontecka E., Matti Haukka, Korsun O.M., Kalugin O.N., Fritsky I.O.

Copper(II) complexes of 3- and 4-picolinehydroxamic acids: from mononuclear compounds to 1D- and 2D-coordination polymers

Cryst. Eng. Comm.- 2014.- V. 16.- P.1904-1918


25.  Richert S., Vazquez S.M., Grzybowski M., Gryko D.T., Kyrychenko A.,Vauthey E.

Excited-state dynamics of an environment-sensitive push-pull diketopyrrolopyrrole: major differences between the bulk solution phase and the dodecane/water interface

Journal of Physical Chemistry B.- 2014.- V. 118.- P. 9952-9963


26.  Agieienko V.N. Kalugin O.N.

Complexation of Ni(ClO4)2 and Mg(ClO4)2 with 3-Hydroxyflavone in Acetonitrile Medium: Conductometric, Spectroscopic, and Quantum Chemical Investigation

J. Phys. Chem. B.- 2014.- V. 118.- P. 12251-12262


27.  Lukashova M.S., Belikov K.N., Bryleva E.Yu., Kharchenko S.G., Vishnevskii S.G., Kal'chenko V.I.

Sorption of Eu(III) on Merrifield Resin Modified with Thiacalix[4]arenes

Protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces.- 2014.- V. 50, No. 5.- P.608-612


28.  Анисимович П.В., Темердашев З.А., Починок Т.Б., Решетняк Е.А., Смоленская Т.С., Ломакина О.Ю.

Визуальное тест-определение Pb(II) с использованием индикаторной желатиновой пленки

Аналитика и контроль.- 2014.- Т. 17, № 4.- С.328-337.


29.  Kolosov M.A., Beloborodov D.A., Kulyk O.G., Orlov V.D.

Synthesis of 2,5,7-triaryl-4,7(6,7)-dihydropyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine-3-carbonitriles by reaction of 5(3)-amino-3(5)-aryl-1H-pyrazole-4-carbonitriles with chalcones

J. Heterocycl. Chem.- 2014. - Vol. 51. - P. E89-E92


30.  Kolosov M.A., Kulyk O.G., Shvets E.G., Orlov V.D.

Synthesis of 5-cinnamoyl-3,4-dihydropyrimidine-2(1H)-ones

Synthetic commun.- 2014.- V. 44, No. 11.- P.1649‑1657


31.  Pavlovskaya T.L., Yaremenko F.G., Lipson V.V., Shishkina S.V., Shishkin O.V., Musatov V.I., Karpenko A.S.

The regioselective synthesis of spirooxindolopyrrolidines and pyrrolizidines via three-component reactions of acrylamides and aroylacrylicacids with isatins and α-amino acids

Beilstein J. Org. Chem.- 2014.- Vol. 10.- P. 117-126.


32.  Petrova O.N., Zamigajlo L.L., Gella I.M., Musatov V.I., Shishkina S.V., Shishkin O.V., Vashchenko E.V., Borisov A.V., Lipson V.V.

Three-component synthesis of 4-aroyl-2(1),4,5,7-tetrahydropyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridin-6-ones and their properties

Хим. гетероцикл. соед.- 2014.- № 4.- С.562-576


33.  Бабак Н.Л., Гелла И.М., Семененко А.Н., Шишкина С.В., Шишкин О.В., Мусатов В.И., Липсон В.В.

α,β-Непредельные кетоны на основе аллобетулона

Журн. орг. Химии.- 2014.- Т. 50, в. 7.- С.1063-1070


34.  Chebanov V.A., Desenko S.M.

Switchable multicomponent heterocyclization for diversity oriented synthesis

Diversity Oriented Synthesis.- 2014.- V.1.- P.43-63


35.  Ткаченко В.В., Муравьева Е.А. Шишкина С.В., Шишкин О.В., Десенко С.М., Чебанов В.А.

Изучение трёхкомпонентных реакций с участием 5-амино-3-метилизоксазола, N-ариламидов ацетоуксусной кислоты и ароматических альдегидов

Химия гетероциклических соединений.- 2014.- №8.- C.1263-1274


36.  Panteleimonov А., Tkachenko O., Baraban A., Benvenutti E.V., Gushikem Y., Kholin Yu.

Probing Silica-Organic Hybrid Materials Using Small Probes: Simulation of Adsorption Equilibria Influenced by Cooperativity Effects

Adsorption Science & Technology.- 2014.- V. 32, No 4.- P.305-320


37.  Tkachenko O., Panteleimonov A., Padalko I., Korobov A., Gushikem Y., Kholin Y.

Silica functionalized with 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride as an efficient adsorbent for the removal of Eosin Yellow and Reactive Blue 4

Chemical Engineering Journal.- 2014.- V. 254.- P.324-332


38.  Váhovská L., Potočňák I., Vitushkina S., Dušek M., Titiš J., Boča R.

Low-dimensional compounds containing cyanido groups. XXVI. Crystal structure, spectroscopic and magnetic properties of Co(II) complexes with non-linear pseudohalide ligands 

Polyhedron.- 2014.- V.81.- P.396-408


39. A. V. Lebed, I. N. Palval, N. O. Mchedlov-Petrossyan.

The comparison of the dissociation constants of ionophores in solutions as obtained by conductometric and spectrophotometric methods.

J. Mol. Liquids. 2014. Vol. 200. P. 136-138. doi: 1016/j.molliq.2014.10.002.


40. Сердюк И. Э., Рошаль А. Д., Блажейовский Е.

Квантово-химичес­кий­ анализ меха­низма реакции Альгара-Флинна-Оямады

Химия гетероцикл. соед.- 2014.- №3.- С. 431-439


41. Vasylets, G., Starodub, V.A., Feher, A, et al.

Magnetic properties of anion-radical salt [FeII(dipy)3](TCNQ)4·(CH3)2CO

Synthetic Metals. - 2014. - V. 194. - pp. 7-10.


42. Botko M., Cheranovskii V.O., Vasylets G. et al.

Magnetic Properties of Spin Model for New Quasi-One-Dimensional Magnet [Mn(phen)3](TCNQ)2·2H2O

Acta Physica Polonica A. - 2014. - V. 126. - p. 20


43. V. V. Tkachenko, E. A. Muravyova, S. M. Desenko, O. V. Shishkin, S. V. Shishkina, D. O. Sysoiev, T. J. J. Müller, V. A. Chebanov

The unexpected influence of aryl substituents in N-aryl-3-oxobutanamides on the

behavior of their multicomponent reactions with 5-amino-3-methylisoxazole and salicylaldehyde

Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. - 2014. - V. 10. - pp. 3019-3030


44. Cheranovskii V.O., Ezerskaya E.V.

Magnetic properties of the infinite U Hubbard model on one-dimensional frustrated lattices

J. Supercond Nov Magn. - 2015. V.28--P. 773-776. 


45. Kazheva O. N., Kravchenko A. V., Alexandrov G. G.,  Sivaev I. B., Bregadze V. I., Kosenko I. D., Lobanova I. A., L. I. Buravov L. I., Starodub V. A., Dyachenko O. A.

Synthesis, Structure and Electric Conductivity of (BEDT-TTF)2[8,8'-Cl2-3,3'-Co(1,2-C2B9H10)2] and (BMDT-TTF)4[8,8'-Cl2-3,3'-Co(1,2-C2B9H10)2] Salts

Russ. Chem. Bull.- 2015. -  V.6. - p. 1322-1329.


46. Pinchukova N.A., Voloshko A.Yu., Baumer V.N., Shishkin O.V., Chebanov V.A.

The use of microwave irradiation for zeolite regeneration in a continuous ethanol dewatering process

Chemical Engineering and Processing. - 2015. - V.95. - pp. 151-158


47. Murlykina M.V., Sakhno Ya.I., Desenko S.M., Shishkina S.V., Shishkin O.V., Sysoiev D.O., Kornet M.N., Schlos D., Goeman J.L., Van der Eycken J., Van der Eycken E.V., Chebanov V.A.

Study of Chemoselectivity of Multicomponent Heterocyclization Involving 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole and Pyruvic Acid as Key Reagents and Biological Activity of the Reaction Products

European Journal of Organic Chemistry. - 2015. -  N.10. - pp. 4481-4492


48. Kazheva O.N., Alexandrov G.G., Kravchenko A.V. et al.

New organic conductors with halogen and phenyl substituted cobalt bis(dicarbollide) anions

Journal of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Research. - 2015. -  Vol. 2, N. 2. - pp. 497 - 503


49. Bregadze V.I., Dyachenko O.A., Kazheva O.N. et al.

Tetrathiafulvalene-based radical cation salts with transition metal bis(dicarbollide) anions

Cryst. Eng. Comm. The Royal Society of Chemistry. -  2015.- V.26. - p. 14


50. Kovshov Yu.S., Starokozhev S.V., Kishko S.A., Ponomarenko S.S., Vlasenko S.A., Kuleshov A.N., Yefimov B.P.

Transportation of Low-voltage Sheet Helical Electron Beam for Confocal Gyrotron with Pulsed Magnetic System

J. Nano- and Electronic Physics. - 2015. - Vol. 7 No 3. -  P. 03039-1


51. Ziolkovskiy D.V., Lipson V.V., Nikitina A.D., Chebanov V.A.

Substituted 1,2,4-oxodiazoles as Potent Inhibitors of Human 11β-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 (11β-HSD1): Virtual Screening and Docking Results

Letters in Drug Design and Discovery. - 2015. - Vol.12  pages 1-8


52. Kushch I., Korenev N., Kamarchuk L. et al.

On the importance of developing a new generation of breath tests for Heliocobacter pylori detection

J. Breath Res. - 2015. -  V.9. - p. 14


53. L. Váhovská, I. Potočňák, S. Vitushkina, M. Walko.

Low-dimensional compounds containing cyanido groups. Part XXX. Recrystallization of Co(II) complexes with pseudohalogenide ligands leading to CO2 uptake and formation of dicyanoguanidine anion in newly created Co(III) complexes

Polyhedron. - 2016. - Vol. 117. - p. 359-366.


54. V. N. Agieienko, Y.V. Kolesnik, O. N. Kalugin

Structure, solvation, and dynamics of Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+ complexes with 3‑hydroxyflavone and perchlorate anion in acetonitrile medium: A molecular dynamics simulation study.

J. Chem. Phys. - 2014. - V. 140. - P. 194501.